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SPC’s Annual Member Meeting will be held on Thursday May 27, 2021. 

Your SPC Nomination Slate

We are thrilled to announce that SPC will have an election to select our next committee members. We have 7 nominees for 2 open board positions. Please take the time to review this entire post as well as our strategic plan to best inform yourself of the candidates up for election.

Voting will take place during the AMM through online voting.  The candidates will be in attendance either in person on via video conference. 

Board Nominations SPC Board Current Status:

Chair-Elect – Open Position
Paul Hunter has now completed Year 1 of his first two-year term as chair. The position of Chair Elect is open to a current board member.

Executive Committee Positions:
Heather Clegg, ON – Completed year 2 of her first two-year term.
Geneviève Renaud, ON – Completed year 2 of her first two-year term.

Karen Decker, NS- Completed year 1 of her second two-year term.
Lauren Vickery, AB- Completed year 1 of her second two-year term.
Glenn Wark- Completed year 1 of his first two-year term.

Given the status above, the SPC board has the Chair-Elect position open and 2 Executive Committee positions. The following nomination slate has been presented for consideration. SPC Nomination Chair, Timberly Ambler, is pleased to present the following Nomination Slate for the 2021/2022 SPC Board of Directors:

Chair-Elect:  Geneviève Renaud

Board Positions:

  • Heather Clegg
  • Amie Lee
  • Jacalyn Moore
  • Jessica Pawlik
  • Jovana Smoljanic
  • Meredith Waisman

Meet the Candidates

For Chair-Elect:

Geneviève Renaud

I started my sport physiotherapy career in my home town of Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, and now work out of Ottawa, Ontario at Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy. Over the past 13 years, I have pursued multiple opportunities in order to better myself as a therapist and advocate for the profession.
I am a lifelong volunteer, often joking that I started volunteering with my mom at age 3 (I was probably not the most valuable team member back then!) My parents instilled in me a strong sense of community, friendship, and giving back. They made the world a better place by donating both time & skill and it is one of my biggest values to continue this work.

SPC has been close to my heart since 2009, having volunteered in multiple capacities over the past 12 years. I have done it all (almost) including provincial committee work, chairing a provincial division, chairing national special committees, and sitting on the National Executive committee for the past 2 years. I am very proud of the work SPC has done in the past. I am committed to ensuring we continue to improve access to high quality care for athletes across Canada and building up the reputation of sport physiotherapy with our stakeholders.

My career has enabled me to work in multidisciplinary clinical settings since graduating and my experience has allowed me to participate professionally in national and international multi-sport events.
I have developed an intimate understanding of sports medicine in Canadian sport and working relationships with important stakeholders across the country.

I believe that sport physiotherapists are positioned to be leaders in Canadian sports medicine and I am passionate about continuing the work past SPC members have done to position us for future growth and

Prior Leadership Experience(s):

  • Extensive leadership and committee work experience highlighted by:
    • *See below for SPC involvement
    • Co-founder of Pivot Dancer and creator of the Strong Dancer program where I help lead a team of 30 passionate individuals looking to improve the health of dancers.
    • Member at large, Concussion Nova Scotia Working Group (2012-2014).
    • Clinical Director, LifeMark – Portland clinic (2011-2013).
    • Private Practice Representative and Vice Chair, Réseau Santé Nouvelle-Écosse (2009-12, 2012-14).

Involvement in SPC or Provincial Section (experience, courses, etc):

Committee Work
• Executive committee member, SPC National (2019-present)
• Maintenance of Credentials Officer, SPC (2019-present)
• Physiotherapy lead, uOttawa PGY3 Skills in Sports & Exercise Medicine (2018-present)
• Chair, Sports PT Titling SPC subcommittee (2015-2019)
• Co-chair of Marketing and Communications, Ontario division of SPC (2014-2019)
• Chair, Nova Scotia division of SPC (2012-2014)
• Co-chair of Education, Nova Scotia division of SPC (2009-2012)
• Recently involved in discussions with UWO for the development of a partnership between SPC and their new Sport Medicine Master’s program.
• Mentored applicants for the SPC credentialing exams since 2012.
• Co-developer of the Taping section of the new SPC core competency courses.
• Instructor for SPC’s Protective Equipment and Taping courses.


Question 1:
“What top three strategic issues do you see as being important to SPC over the next three years and what do you think would be the best approach moving forward?”

Sport Physiotherapy Canada must currently focus on launching the new continuing education courses to improve knowledge and the credentialing process, strength relationships with key organizations and improve transparency and communication with membership.

Sport Physiotherapy Canada must improve its ability to showcase the value of sport physiotherapists as to Canadian sport stakeholders. Positioning Sport Physiotherapy Canada as a leader in sport medicine starts at our roots, the development of strong sport physiotherapists through a robust credentialing system. The current committee has opened the door to a massive restructuring of our education system and it is imperative that this project continues to blossom. Our new core competency courses will allow for a more standardized preparation for our candidates and improved access to evidence-based knowledge for physiotherapists across Canada. I will focus on supporting our course committee in the launch of this endeavor and ongoing projects that will ensue. This should include improved mentorship opportunity (including with high performance sport), increased support for mentors, improved objective evaluation of competencies, and increased communication throughout the credentialling process. I believe that building our relationship with the University of Western Ontario and other Canadian Universities will also be a key factor in continuing to build physiotherapy as a key stakeholder in sports medicine.

We must now strengthen relationships with key organizations and highlight the value physiotherapists add to all sport organizations. Striving to have greater representation of Sport Physiotherapists acting in
leadership roles within High Performance Sport and being at the table with key stakeholders involved in sport (e.g. other expert groups, national sport organizations, sport institutes, Sports Science Canada, etc.) when decisions are made should be a focus over the next 3 years. I propose connecting these leaders through quarterly meetings in order to improve communication and strategy building across all provinces and all groups.

Sport Physiotherapy Canada must be a leader in improving transparency when it comes to high performance opportunities. We must delineate a clear and transparent pathway towards high- performance sport includes equal opportunity towards the High-Performance Certification, provide transparency in the selection process for Games and improved access to opportunity with national sport organizations. This links with the need for communication to be at the forefront of SPC National’s agenda. We are currently working on a major website update that will also provide us with greater ability to manage member information and improve data management. This is a monumental project that I am excited to see through. The final stage of this project will be to translate the website and major documents into French in order to improve access to information for our francophone members!

Question 2:
“How would your past experience and leadership skills help resolve these strategic issues and help you to make a valuable contribution to the Board?”

As an active member of SPC over the past twelve years, I have held executive positions or worked in positions related to three goals of our current strategic plan: education, high performance sport and communication. The knowledge gained while working in these positions
along with my extensive experience on Boards and committees provides me with the leadership skills, knowledge of the issues at hand, understanding of current barriers and the skills to work with a team to develop effective and practical solutions. I also hope my bilingualism will be beneficial when working with all provincial sections and pursuing our goal of making our materials available in both official languages. I know I have the experience, knowledge of the organization and passion needed to make a valuable and lasting contribution to SPC.

For Executive Committee:

Heather Clegg

Short Biographical Information:

Heather is a Registered International Sports Physical Therapist (RISPT) who completed her Diploma in Sport Physiotherapy in 2014 and became mentor and examiner within SPC’s Credential Program shortly thereafter. Heather became a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapists (FCAMPT) after completing a Masters of Clinical Science in Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Western University in 2017. After 10+ years practicing at a multi disciplinary, sports medicine clinic in downtown Toronto, Heather moved north of the city and began working in Barrie, Ontario at Resolution Physiotherapy & IMS. In addition to her clinical work, Heather works as part of the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario’s (CSIO) affiliate support team, working primarily with Freestyle Ontario, and has worked as part of the Integrated Support Team supporting Canoe Kayak Canada’s Sprint athletes as a Dedicated Team Therapist since 2015. Heather has represented Canada both personally and professionally, winning a World Championship in equestrian in 2001. This experience subsequently fuelled her love and passion for a career in sports medicine. Outside of work, Heather enjoys travel, food, fitness, spending time with friends and family and believes strongly in a “work hard, play hard(er)” approach to life!

Prior Leadership Experience(s):

  • Executive Chair, SPC ON (2015-2019)
  • Co-Chair, SPC Concussion Committee (2016-Present)
  • Co-Chair, SPC Education Committee (2020-Present)
  • Lead Medical Practitioner Beach Volleyball, Pan American Games (Toronto, 2015)
  • Lead Therapist, Toronto Dragons Rugby Football Club (2009-2014)

Involvement in SPC or Provincial Section (experience, courses, etc):

  • Heather has volunteered within SPC Executive Committees since she graduated from the University of Toronto in 2009, including a 4 year tenure as Chair of the Ontario Section. Highlights during her time as Chair include: growing the Executive Committee from nearly folding to having 15+ members engaged in various initiatives and projects across the province; recruiting two student representatives from each of the 5 MScPT programs in Ontario and implementing the Student Merit Award; increasing Division/Section awareness and exposure through additional social media channels; improving education opportunities by delivering regular in-services & webinars; conceptualizing SPC’s own virtual ‘journal club’ and recruiting members to help develop and launch this now national initiative known as ‘The Review’. Heather has also been actively involved in the Concussion Committee since 2016, helping to successfully plan and execute 4 concussion symposiums across Canada, and advocate for the role of physiotherapists in concussion management. She is also a member of SPC’s Congress Planning Committee, helping to plan & execute both 2019 & 2021 Pre Congress Courses. Most recently, Heather completed her first term as part of SPC’s National Executive Committee, and has focused her efforts to help lead the development of two virtual Core Competency Courses for SPC. The goal: to offer standardized, evidence informed and accessible courses to improve knowledge & skill in SPC core competencies to work clinically and on-field with athletes and/or teams independently, as part of an IST and/or as part of a Core HST at regional, national & international sporting events in either amateur or professional sport.
    • National Executive Committee (2019-Present)
    • Education Committee (2020-Present)
    • Congress Planning Committee (2020-Present)
    • Concussion Committee (2016-Present)
    • Executive Chair, ON Section (2015-2019)
    • Examiner (2015-Present)
    • Mentor (2014-Present)
    • Communications Coordinator, SPC ON (2012-2014)
    • Marketing Coordinator, SPC ON (2009-2012)
    • Student Representative, University of Toronto, SPC ON (2009)


Question 1:
“What top three strategic issues do you see as being important to SPC over the next three years and what do you think would be the best approach moving forward?”

As a member of the National Executive Committee in my first term, I actively participated in the development of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, and while I feel all elements are equally important to address over the coming years, it is evident that Education, Financial Security & Communication are paramount at the present time. Without financial security, we have no Division; without strong communication, our capacity to share information, grow and ensure membership retention, is limited; without standardized, accessible education, our ability to support best practice and successful Credentialing, is restricted. I believe that if we are able to improve in the aforementioned areas, particularly education, we will break down barriers to credentialing thus increasing opportunity and representation to work, mentor and hold leadership positions in High Performance Sport, the final key priority outlined in the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan.

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are” -Max Depree

I believe we can accomplish all of this, and more, if we continue to be innovative and push the status quo, while encouraging members to get involved in committees and/or working groups to support new and existing initiatives as well as Division Operations. Developing new, consistent and accessible education opportunities, as well as fostering relationships and partnerships with practitioners and other key stakeholders involved in sport, will not only help to generate revenue and ensure our Division’s financial security, but also strengthen its credibility and create opportunity for members now and in the future.

Question 2:
“How would your past experience and leadership skills help resolve these strategic issues and help you to make a valuable contribution to the Board?”

My varied experience volunteering within SPC over the last decade, both provincially and nationally, has provided a unique insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and as a result, I am acutely aware of the change and action needed to help SPC resolve its strategic issues, improve overall and achieve success in the long term. My work ethic, commitment, organization and communication skills, along with my ability to take initiative and help lead others is evidenced by my successful tenure as Chair in Ontario (highlights outlined above under ‘SPC Involvement’) as well as the successful planning and execution of multiple Concussion symposiums and pre-Congress Courses. I believe I have already applied these same attributes in my first term in order to make a valuable contribution not only to the National Executive Committee, but also to SPC as a whole, as I lead the Education Committee in developing two virtual Core Competency Courses for SPC’s Credential Program (& other colleagues interested in sport). These standardized, evidence informed Courses will be mandatory for Credential Program candidates with the goal of improving knowledge, skill & confidence in SPC Core Competencies to work within a range of levels & settings. Mandating accessible and consistent course offerings helps to address all of SPC’s strategic priorities by:

  • Ensuring a consistent revenue stream, thus ensuring financial security for the Division;
  • Ensuring proficiency in SPC Core Competencies, thereby improving Credential Exam success rates, increasing the number of Sport Diploma holders and subsequently creating more opportunities to work in High Performance Sport;
  • Ensuring consistent standards and expectations are communicated across Canada;
  • Ensuring the Division continues to support best practice, improving credibility.

Implementation of this education initiative will also result in a trickle down effect, leading to updates and improvements in other aspects of the Credential Program, most notably Mentorship and Credential Exams, which further helps to resolve SPC’s strategic priorities. I am passionate about SPC and the various projects in which I am invested and I hope that you will consider giving me the opportunity to fill a second term to create a lasting legacy for the Division, highlighted by the contributions I have made, and will continue to make, as part of the National Executive Committee. 

Amie Lee

Short Biographical Information:

Amie has worked in private practice treating Orthopedic and Sport injuries since graduating from Queens’s University with a Masters in Physiotherapy in 2008. Prior to Queen’s Amie graduated from Dalhousie
University with BSc Kinesiology with Honours.

Amie has developed a special interest in working with children, athletes, and the weekend warriors. Because of her commitment and continued studies in sport, she has earned her Certificate and Diploma in Sport Physiotherapy; which recognizes her as a Registered International Sport Physical Therapist (RISPT).

Amie has worked on tour with Cirque du Soleil travelling through Canada, USA, and Europe. Amie is currently in charge of the medical for Soccer Nova Scotia’s High- Performance Program and is the key member of Hockey Canada Medical Team. She is a preferred provider for the Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic’s elite athletes and has travelled with Soccer Canada and Volleyball Canada (Beach) for National and
International Events. If you have ever been to a Rainmen or Hurricanes Basketball game, you would find Amie sitting on the bench with them for the last 10 out 12 years. She has been the Lead Therapist for the basketball teams to help keep players healthy and on the court.   Because of her dedicated commitment to hockey and Hockey Nova Scotia over the past 12 years working with Hockey NS High Performance Program she has been a mentor to many. Amie has also been heavily involved with Hockey Canada over the last few years at all levels and was named as Hockey Canada’s Female Under 18 National Team Physiotherapist and has won a gold and silver medal with them at the World Championships.

Since graduating she has completed a number of courses including Functional Dry Needling, Manual Therapy and
Pain Science, Exercises Essentials, First Aid/First Responders (Sport Specific), Traditional Acupuncture, as well as
Mulligan Concepts.

Prior Leadership Experience(s):

  • Nova Spinal Care – Physiotherapy (Clinic Manager)
  • Mentorship program with Hockey Nova Scotia (High Performance Program) and Halifax Hurricanes Basketball Team
  • Lead Performance Medicine Therapist on Totem for Cirque du Soleil
    Clinic Director at LifeMark Physiotherapy

Involvement in SPC or Provincial Section (experience, courses, etc):

  • Member of SPC- Nova Scotia division since 2009, and have held various roles.
  • Member of SPC since 2006.


Question 1:
“What top three strategic issues do you see as being important to SPC over the next three years and what do you think would be the best approach moving forward?”

1. Education and standardizing the credential program, and having greater exam and course opportunities
* Working with the National group to help provide support for developing and implementation of the courses. Try to have some virtual options as in smaller provinces (NS, NB, PEI, NL) the numbers just are not there in order to run a full course. However, even in non-covid times, travel and courses don’t always work out with schedule or financially, so by providing them on an online platform it provides such additional opportunity for therapists all across Canada to join. Even a great asset financially to SPC to draw more income in what otherwise may be limited.
* Other course opportunities in the future, not necessarily the credential ones, will also help to provide more resources for mentors and higher-level courses other than the basics to help keep mentors on top
of their game as well.

2. Communication – marketing and providing “find a sport physio” and marketing to general public
* Help with website Navigation and promotion on online platform to market to general public. Work on providing a template or social media presence to have to send to local teams, organizations regarding
benefits of working with a Sport Physio and how they are different than other PT’s. As well as how to find in specific provinces with more clear contact information if they wish to be included.

3. Financial Security – negotiate effective deals and partnerships with like-minded organizations
* Help make connections and navigate the sponsorships or discounts with organizations to help promote their products that are consistent with our needs and values of Sport Physiotherapy. Ex) Core shorts, concussion lab laser headlamp, that was promoted to us via SPC, but the online link provided no discount to our members. Would be a great place to begin to negotiate to see a trickle-down effect to the membership. Looking into athletic companies (Sportchek, GolfTown, Lululemon) to have preferred pricing for members similar to military as a perk for not all Physiotherapists but Sport Physiotherapy members.

* I Also love the webinars, and increased online presence from SPC Provincial sections providing many opportunities for learning and growing that other provinces can enjoy as part of the membership is
amazing and would love to see how to improve / grow that relationship not only with SPC but other groups like AT’s, Sport MT, CASEM etc.

* Looking at sponsorship with teams / information exchange as part of an initiative with the higher-level athletics by using the SPC logo on National teams clothing, in Training centers, on their websites, and bringing more awareness to the SPC logo, branding and then the membership within.

Question 2:
“How would your past experience and leadership skills help resolve these strategic issues and help you to make a valuable contribution to the Board?”

I love working with likeminded individuals toward a collective goal. I’ve added my “how to help” in the comments above! I’m a hard worker, very team focused, but can be a self-directed when given a task. I want to sit on this board to bring my knowledge and passion to the National Committee but also to bring it back to NS and Atlantic Canada.

My asset would be, being the voice of Atlantic Canada, providing leadership, guidance and support to try and grow the Sport Physiotherapy community, not only in Nova Scotia, but the rest of Atlantic Canada and of course across the country. To bring the SPC brand more to the forefront and promote what the membership and the credentialing program can do for the Physiotherapy profession is something I’m very passionate about. I want to take this awkward time of covid and capitalize on the virtual aspect, make is so that people can feel included and part of the team, all
while still being in the comforts of their own home, both now and going forward. I want to start a partnership with therapists in NL and PEI to help grow and foster interest in SPC and help join with NB to increase the visibility within the East Coast.

Jacalyn Moore

Short Biographical Information:

During my Undergraduate in Kinesiology, I was a Student Strength & Conditioning Coach for the various varsity athletes at McMaster University.  While working under an Athletic Therapist at the University and then subsequently working as a Kinesiologist for a FCAMPT physiotherapist, I decided I would like to pursue both.  I was exclusively selected to work with the Hamilton Bulldogs (AHL) for a student placement and fell in love with the idea of using both my Strength & Conditioning background and Sports Therapy background to give High Performance Athletes well-rounded evidence-based treatment.   While I was completing my Athletic Therapy degree (2013) and Masters Physiotherapy degree (2015), I passionately continued to work with the Varsity Athletes at the University of Manitoba and the University of Calgary.  I also continued to work Part-Time as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at the Canadian Sport Institute in Calgary, and as a Sports Therapist for the Edge School for Athletes Hockey Teams.  Once I became a Registered Physiotherapist, I wanted to continue to volunteer my time with local sports teams and NSOs. These include Alberta Winter Games,  Alberta Summer Games, Hockey Canada, Volleyball Canada, Curling Canada, Canada Winter Games, and Nationally at the National Women’s U18 Hockey Championships.  My current clinical practice is at Rebound Health Centre at the University of Lethbridge which is a multidisciplinary Sports Medicine Clinic in Lethbridge, AB that can be accessed by the general public as well as the student athletes.

Prior Leadership Experience(s):

  • Student Representative: Athletics in Residence (AIR) Committee,
  • Mentor for new Athletic Therapy graduates
  • Placement Supervisor for Exercise Science Students at Lethbridge College,
  • Placement Supervisor for Physiotherapy Students, Executive Committee for the Lethbridge Trail Alliance,
  • Head Therapist/ Mentor Therapist for Hockey Alberta 2015-2017

Involvement in SPC or Provincial Section (experience, courses, etc):

  • National Student Assembly Student Representative 2014 (CPA)
  • Attendee for Sports Physiotherapy Alberta- The Endurance Athlete, The Growing Athlete, The Para Athlete

Question 1:
“What top three strategic issues do you see as being important to SPC over the next three years and what do you think would be the best approach moving forward?”

  1. Knowledge insemination: there is a lot of great research going on the in Sports Medicine. The orthopaedic division often puts out consensus to its members on their website once every few months, and it would be beneficial for similar type set up with Sports Physiotherapy. This will create uniformity across all athletes in all provinces and help to create equality in care.
  2. Evidence based examinations:  there is a lot of conflicting hearsay of what should and should not be on the examination.  If there is an openness and understanding of what is included on the examination and why, to not only the people examining but also the people taking the exam, there may be less disconnect and less disrespect aimed toward the SPC. This can be achieved by making sure all mentors as well as the executive committee understand current trends in Sports Physiotherapy that are being examined on the Certificate and Diploma examinations. 
  3. Continue to promote the importance of Physiotherapists who work or want to work in sport, to become a Sports Physiotherapist and grow the numbers of the SPC.  This can be achieved by forming good relationships with NSOs so that they can rely on the SPC to deliver quality individuals to work with Canada’s top athletes as well as developing athletes into high performance athletes. With the NSOs confidence in the SPC, a trickledown effect can take place throughout youth sports so that all high-performance sports in Canada turn to the SPC for qualified practitioners.

Question 2:
“How would your past experience and leadership skills help resolve these strategic issues and help you to make a valuable contribution to the Board?”

  • I can aid developing relationships with other sport medicine/science practioners as I am also a Certified Athletic Therapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach through the NSCA and stay in contact with relevant information in Canada to both those professions.  I continue to work in a small capacity in these fields.  Through working with these fields, I also keep up to date with research in the Sports Sciences field.
  • Help with the financial initiative through my experience with economics (I minored in economics in my Undergraduate)
  • Help with website development as I was responsible for designing and creating part of the website where I currently work
  • Increasing accessibility of mentors through online learning.  My certificate mentor was in another province then me and I understand the struggles that can occur with having a mentor not physically present. I can help with a framework of how mentors and mentees can continue to have a beneficial and helpful relationship without physical contact. 

Jessica Pawlik

Short Biographical Information:

After years abroad, Jessica is back at her alma mater employed as the Head Therapist for Huskie Athletics at the  University of Saskatchewan. She graduated from the U of S with a B.Sc.P.T. in 2003. In her undergrad, Jessica joined  Huskie Athletics as a Student Trainer embarking on her journey towards a career sports physical therapy. She stepped  into the newly created role of Huskie Athletics Team Therapist in 2005, earning her stripes and achieving her Diploma in  Sports Physiotherapy in 2009. 

Jessica and her family seized an opportunity to relocate to Minneapolis, MN in 2011. While in Minnesota, Jessica had the privilege of working alongside some of the world’s top health care providers at Mayo Clinic Orthopedics and Sports  MedicineMinneapolis. She also built her own sport physio practice in a hockey dryland facility providing sport  physiotherapy care and consulting services to youth through professional athletes.  

Throughout her tenure in the USA, Jessica maintained her Canadian link continuing to work with Wrestling Canada Lutte as a Team Therapist travelling to the World Championships, Pan-Am Games and many international events. 

Jessica balances her position of Head Therapist with her other role of hockey/ swim mom, fitting in her love of skiing  and swimming whenever possible.

Prior Leadership Experience(s):

  • Head Therapist -University of Saskatchewan Huskie Athletics, 2018 –present: Managesthe health care needs for 15 teams ( ~400 athletes and coaches), leadsthe IST programming for all  teams, dedicated team therapist for 4 teams and leads a team of 3 physiotherapists. 
  • Canada West Medical Committee: 2019 –present, Chair: 2021  
  • JP.PT: Sport Physiotherapy Consulting– Plymouth, MN. 2013 – 2018 
  • Canadian Physiotherapy Association – Election Committee 2011 – 2013 
  • Saskatchewan Physiotherapy Association – Board of Directors; Communications, Awards, and AGM Planning  Committees 2005 –2007 
  • Special Olympics Health Athletes Program –FUNfitness Saskatchewan Director 2007 – 2010

Involvement in SPC or Provincial Section:

  • SPC Education Committee :2020 – present 
  • SPC Mentor: 2019 – present 
  • SPC Nominations Committee: 2012 –2013 
  • SPC Special Projects Volunteer: 2011 –2013 
  • Sport Physiotherapy Saskatchewan:2005 –2011 
    •  Chair: 2009 –2011 
    • Continuing Physical Therapy Education Liaison:2007 –2011 
    • Saskatchewan Physiotherapy Association Liaison: 2005 – 2007 

Question 1:
“What top three strategic issues do you see as being important to SPC over the next three years and what do you think would be the best approach moving forward?”

The top three strategic issues all have a common thread in building SPC’s membership base  and thus profile within the Canadian physiotherapy and high performance community.  **With a more formalized education program we are able to develop stronger candidates,  increasing our number of Diploma holders and establishingmore representativesin the high  performance community.** 

  1. Education: The pandemic has opened a myriad of digital tools, systems and supports for  online and remote learning. We have witnessed and built programs that maintain a standard  of excellence while accommodating a no-touch scope of practice. Thissame approach can be  effectively applied to improve access to SPC programming for candidates regardless of  geographical location. Furthermore, the increased access to experts will not only enhance the  quality of the education, but its consistency across programs. 
  2. Mentorship: A mandatory component of SPC’s Credential System, mentorship is paramount  to a candidate’s success. Often availability, access, and experience are barriers for candidates  to connect with a mentor. Mentoring is also unfortunately not a skill that can be easily taught,  nor one that comes naturally to many people. Using remote-learning tools SPC has the opportunity to support both mentors and mentees with enhanced mentorship frameworks;  improved mentor supports connecting novice with senior mentors, virtual recommendations  to allow for remote mentorship, commitment contracts and remuneration schedules –a win win-win for our candidates, our mentors and our association.
  1. Support for other Advanced Sport Physiotherapy and Sport Science pathways: As the  Canadian accreditation body for the IFSPT’s International Registered Sports Physical Therapist  credential, SPC must maintain the delicate balance of ensuring all Canadian program standards align with those of SPC while being open to alternate methods of instruction which  challenge the norm. SPC has the opportunity to collaborate with education systems to build  new pathways for future sport physiotherapists to gain experience, earn their credentials and  become full-fledged members of our organization.  

Question 2:

“How would your past experience and leadership skills help resolve these strategic issues and help you to make a valuable contribution to the Board?”

Both past and present experiences enable me to bring a skillset to the SPC leadership; 

  • As Head Therapist at the University of Saskatchewan, I am accountable for teaching in the  College of Kinesiology, and mentoring staff physiotherapists, kinesiology and physiotherapy  students. My daily experience in these leadership roles will allow me to support and enhance  SPC’s growth in education, mentorship and leadership platforms.  
  • Working at an academic institution, I recognize the gap and challenge for graduating  physiotherapists to get involved and gain increased exposure to sport physiotherapy. This drives me to identify, develop and improve pathways for interested individuals to pursue the  field. 
  • As a current member of the SPC Education Committee, I am assisting with program  development improving access to advanced education forging the way for up and coming  Sport Physiotherapists to reach their goals. 
  • Chairing the Canada West Medical Committee as we navigate the challenges of U SPORTS  return to play in the midst of a pandemic allows me to share insight with the challenges facing  sport in Canada.  
  • Communication and collaboration are key components of successfully working as part of an  Integrated Support Team. Working side by side with IST members, I am able to stay current  with best practice guidelines and trends within the industry.  
  • I have had the privilege to work internationally at the Mayo Clinic Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, where brand is everything. Extending the mindset and strategies used to create an  aura of excellence will constantly be included in my thinking and contributions. 
  • Having established multiple private practices, I believe I embody an entrepreneurial spirit that  constantly looks for solutions to complex challenges and ways to ensure growth and success.  The focus is on proactive solutions rather than reactive responses. This experience and  approach is crucial for our association as we work to exemplify member value, organizational  prominence and establish our place as thought leaders in field of sports physical therapy.

Jovana Smoljanic

Short Biographical Information:

I am a Sport Physiotherapist and Clinic Director practicing in a neuromusculoskeletal private practice setting in Toronto. I obtained my Sport PT Diploma in 2019 and I’m currently working towards my FCAMPT designation. I love our profession and try to be as involved in it as much as I possibly can – from volunteering on committees to teaching and mentoring the next generation. My love for sport comes from my personal involvement in it, with my physiotherapy career being an extension of that. 

Prior Leadership Experience(s):

  • Clinic Director, ProCare Rehabilitation (May 2019- Present) 
  • Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Sport Physiotherapy Canada Congress 2021 (March 2020 – Present) 
  • Committee Member: Chief Editor of The Review, Sport Physiotherapy Canada (November 2018 – Present)
  • Executive Board Member: Research Coordinator, Sport Physiotherapy Canada, Ontario Section (January 2018 – September 2020) 
  • Executive Board Member: Education & Knowledge Translation, Private Practice Division (June 2015 – September 2020) 
  • Executive Board Member: Student Representative, Private Practice Division of the CPA (January – June 2015)
Involvement in SPC or Provincial Section (experience, courses, etc.):
  • Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Sport Physiotherapy Canada Congress 2021 (March 2020 – Present) 
  • Co-Chief Editor of The Review, Sport Physiotherapy Canada (November 2018 – Present)
  • Executive Board Member: Research Coordinator, Sport Physiotherapy Canada, Ontario Section (January 2018 – September 2020)

Question 1:
“What top three strategic issues do you see as being important to SPC over the next three years and what do you think would be the best approach moving forward?”

  1. Developing a course-based education system for candidates going through the credentialing process – from Certificate Level to High Performance Certification, and continuing education thereafter. This will both provide candidates with a clear path for getting to where they want, as well as help SPC ensure financial stability. This entails SPC putting forward a comprehensive, course-based, education system for candidates, while ensuring country-wide accessibility. This provides an increased value to our members and ensures a base level of education and competency within the profession. 
  2. Hosting a profit-generating conference biannually. SPC’s Congress 2021 in Toronto, will be our first annual conference where we carry the momentum generated by IFSPT’s World Congress 2019 in Vancouver. Unlike the Vancouver conference, this year’s event will most likely be different in that it’s virtual, which presents us with both opportunities (greater outreach, more sponsorship opportunities, lower cost of hoisting, etc.) and challenges (creating networking opportunities virtually, appropriate virtual platform, etc.). Hosting a successful conference in 2021 will help SPC ensure financial stability. Going forward, finding a way to merge SPC’s biannual conference with CASEM’s would help us develop relationships with other stakeholders, increase our outreach and provide an increased value to our members. 
  3. Advocating for Sport Physiotherapists to get paid for their work at major events and games.  As practitioners who are highly trained, provide an essential service and take on professional liability, we are not paid for the value that we bring. As Sport Physios we have to pay to hold a practice license, to attain our sport credentials and for professional development, moreover we take time off work, where we actually get paid, to volunteer for the love of sport, gear and maybe an honorarium. I think we can do better than that! This detracts physiotherapists form becoming credentialed sport physiotherapist, as they cannot afford and/or do not see the value in becoming a sport physiotherapist and work for free. Considering that major sporting events tend to run a profit, funding can certainly be allocated towards medical staff getting paid. Furthermore, other professions (referees, judges, EMS on standby at the site) are paid, so this is not unprecedented. This would increase the value of being a credentialed Sport Physiotherapist and would incentivize more physiotherapists to become credentialed.  

Question 2:
“How would your past experience and leadership skills help resolve these strategic issues and help you to make a valuable contribution to the Board?”

Being the co-chief editor of SPC’s The Review and co-chairing the organizing committee for SPC’s Congress 2021 has provided me a better understanding of the inner-workings of SPC and would allow me to hit the ground running. Those experiences have also shaped me into a better communicator, acquainted me to the stakeholders, and given me a better understanding of how to provide SPC members with more value. The growth of the SPC division’s membership is dependent on the value provided to members and effectively communicating that value to potential members. 

Working as a clinic director has thought me many invaluable management skills – from managing operations and employees to managing budgets and marketing – all skills that would be useful in helping Executive Committee execute its strategic plan. Being in private practice is about providing value to patients and finding new ways to add value or improve the experience, much like the Executive Committee seeks to provide value to the membership – I believe that the skill of finding ways to add value would also be an asset. This roll has also helped me become a better advocate and negotiator, which would allow me to advocate for our profession and negotiate with stakeholders. 

Lastly, my experience of being on the Executive Committee of the Private Practice Division allowed me to have a better understanding of the inner-workings of CPA and how to get things done within that organizational structure; I believe this would be an asset. This experience also thought me about strategies to increase membership, improving the value to members, working with different stakeholders and forming strategic partnerships. 

Meredith Waisman

Short Biographical Information:

Meredith graduated from the Dalhousie University School of Physiotherapy program in 2012. She previously completed a double major in Kinesiology and Nutrition at Acadia University in 2010. Meredith has extensive experience in sports and has obtained her Diploma in Sport Physiotherapy. She has completed courses in Acupuncture, Dry Needling and the Complete Concussion Management program. Meredith has worked with Hockey Nova Scotias high performance provincial teams, Hockey Canada national training camps, Chief Therapist Canadian National Skating Championships, Halifax Rainmen, 2011, 2017 and 2019 Canada Games, and the Acadia and Dalhousie University soccer teams. She is currently the Physiotherapist with the Dartmouth Steele Subaru Major U18 Hockey team

Prior Leadership Experience(s):

  • Competitive Dance Instructor/Teacher S.M.I.L.E. (Sensory Motor Instructional Leadership Experience) instructor
  • Vice President Programming for University Residence New Student Orientation Leade

Involvement in SPC or Provincial Section (experience, courses, etc):

  • Sport Physiotherapy Canada Nova Scotia Division Chair: 20162020
  • Sport Physiotherapy Canada Nova Scotia Division Event Chair: 20142016
  • Sport Physiotherapy Canada Nova Scotia Division Education Chair: 20122014 


Question 1:
“What top three strategic issues do you see as being important to SPC over the next three years and what do you think would be the best approach moving forward?”

  1. Physiotherapy students have an understanding of what their career pathway in sport could look like Information sessions at the physiotherapy schools which highlight the careers possible in sport physiotherapy Providing smaller sessions to those students who are interested in learning more about the specific sport pathway (ie credentialing system, courses, mentoring) Setting up mentoring sessions for interested students to allow them to shadow physiotherapists working in the sport environment, both in the clinic and at events 
  2. Physiotherapists with SPC credentials are more involved Developing an email list specific to SPC credential holders, both provincially and nationally, to highlight upcoming events and opportunities Creating more opportunities for SPC credential holders to become SPC examiners and course instructors 
  3. SPC has a tool to measure member satisfaction annually Questionnaires provided to the provincial boards which will be completed by the provincial boards and distributed to each provinces members Providing incentives for people to provide feedback (ex. a draw for all those who complete the questionnaire to win free membership or packed travel bag

Question 2:
“How would your past experience and leadership skills help resolve these strategic issues and help you to make a valuable contribution to the Board?”

I have been on the SPCNS board for several years and therefore understand how SPC is run nationally and provincially. This understanding would help create and execute action plans for the strategic issues. When I was a new physiotherapist I had a mentor in the sport field who helped me understand the career pathway and the value in having a sport mentor, therefore I would like to aid in facilitating developing relationships and connections between new grads and practicing therapists. Since being off the SPCNS board I have noticed a large disconnect between the information and opportunities available to those on the board compared to the members and would like to bridge this gap