2 in 5 Rule

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Games Application Rules & Regulations SPC “2 in 5” Rule (as of January 1, 2020) Major Games (i.e. Olympics, Paralympics, Commonwealth, Pan American & Para Pan American) Physiotherapists applying to Major Games are only eligible to be selected twice (2) in a five (5) year period within the same role (“2 in 5” rule). The… Read more »

SPC 2020 Executive Committee Nominations Information

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2020 Executive Committee Nomination Package Are you a current SPC member with vision and excitement to contribute towards advancing SPC and support the tactics within the Strategic Plan of SPC? Do you enjoy connecting with colleagues and engaging with members and stakeholders? Have you considered the opportunity of joining the SPC Executive Committee? 2020 Call… Read more »

Call for Chief Reviewer and Editors

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Call for Chief Reviewer – POSITION FILLED SPC is seeking passionate members of the Sport Physio community to join in the role of Chief Reviewer to help develop, lead and oversee a new evidence-based review in Sports Medicine. The goal of this initiative, also known as The Sports Review, is to help disseminate information down… Read more »

Pre-Congress Concussion Symposium

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Course Objectives: To understand and apply the outcomes from the 5th International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport. To apply multifaceted evidence informed principles in the diagnosis and management of concussion. To recognize concussion signs and symptoms that indicate referral to another rehabilitation specialist and be able to communicate the referral. To apply evidence-based concussion… Read more »