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This year there are 2 open Executive Member positions. Members wishing to be nominated are required to fill out the Nomination Form, which includes the Candidate Statement and Issues of the Day document. If there will be an election, it will be held at the SPC Annual Members Meeting on Thursday May 27th, 2021. Candidates will be required to attend to introduce themselves to the AMM attendees.

Please send your completed documents by April 27th, 2021 to Timberly Ambler, Nomination Chairperson via email and put ‘SPC Nominations‘ in the subject line.

2021 SPC Executive Committee Information and Nomination Form

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The Review ( is published on the SPC website and the SPC membership is notified of each edition via email and social media.

Call for Editors
SPC is seeking passionate members of the Sport Physio community to join in the role of Editor to review articles and write up summaries for the evidence-based review in Sports Medicine, The Review. The candidate would be working with a partner; with each pair being responsible for one review per year:

Call for Media Content Editor
SPC is seeking passionate members of the Sport Physio community to join in the role of Media Content Editor for The Review. The role will entail generating media content (infographics, photos, videos, etc.) based on The Review, which is completed on a quarterly basis by the Editors. The content will be posted on social media and the website. The candidate would be responsible for developing media content four times per year, at an interval of once every three months:

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The December 2020 Quarterly Review is on what should we be recommending to athletes when they tear their ACL. Visit our forum to participate in the discussion. SPC Members, please login to access the forum:

The Review” is a Sport Physiotherapy Canada evidence based exploration in sports medicine, which is released quarterly. Posts are available for discussion for until the next submission. Please note these summaries are reviews of published studies, not original works.

 Co-Chief Editors:

  • Jovana Smoljanić, MScPT, MScHK, Dip. SPC
  • Jacquie van Ierssel, PhD, MSc Rehab, FCAMPT, Dip. SPC


  • Kyle Aitken, BScKin, MScPT
  • Marc Chivilo, BScKin, MScPT
  • Jacky Lam, BScKin, MScPT, Cert. SPC
  • Michael Stewart, MScPT, MCISc, FCAMPT, Cert. SPC
  • Linda Truong, PhD (Candidate), Cert. SPC, MScPT
  • Vicki Wong, PhD (Candidate), MScKin, Cert. SPC

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We’re excited to announce SPC now has merchandise for order:

We’ll be kicking off our debut into the world of SPC gear with a quarter zip long sleeve, perfect for warmups or for at work. It is soft, stretchy, and breathable. Built to perform, keeping you warm while allowing full dynamic movement.

By ordering this shirt, you help promote and support Sport Physiotherapy Canada, while looking and feeling great inside and out! We are currently taking orders for our 2020 campaign and the store is now open for business until November 27th, 2020. Please visit to order your merchandise today!

Posted by & filed under Games Call.

Major Games Canada (MGC), in consultation with SPC and other expert groups, has developed an online application process called the Canadian Application Portal. For a thorough review on this new process, please visit the SPC Major Games page and click the ‘Selection Process’ dropdown option:

Upcoming Games:

Late applications are not considered.

Application Eligibility:

  1. You must be a SPC member in good standing
  2. Be a SPC Diploma holder
  3. Have your First Responder certification
  4. SPC Maintenance of Credentials are up to date

Application Resources:

Please send all questions to

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The Review” is a Sport Physiotherapy Canada evidence based exploration in sports medicine, which is released quarterly. Posts are available for discussion for until the next submission. Please note these summaries are reviews of published studies, not original works.

 Co-Chief Editors:

  • Jovana Smoljanić, MScPT, MScHK, Dip. SPC
  • Jacquie van Ierssel, PhD, MSc Rehab, FCAMPT, Dip. SPC


  • Kyle Aitken, BScKin, MScPT
  • Marc Chivilo, BScKin, MScPT
  • Jacky Lam, BScKin, MScPT, Cert. SPC
  • Michael Stewart, MScPT, MCISc, FCAMPT, Cert. SPC
  • Linda Truong, PhD (Candidate), Cert. SPC, MScPT
  • Vicki Wong, PhD (Candidate), MScKin, Cert. SPC

The October 2020 Quarterly Review is on whether Femoral Acetabular Impingement can be diagnosed in the clinic. Visit our forum to participate in the discussion. SPC Members, please login to access the forum:

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A friendly reminder to our members the deadline to renew your Sport Physiotherapy Canada membership, along with your Canadian Physiotherapy Association membership, is September 30th, 2020.

Renewal can be completed at this link:

Check out the FAQs here:

And please feel free to contact the Member Services team for support:
Phone: (613) 564-5454 or (800) 387-8679

Thank you for being a member. We are stronger because of your commitment to the profession.

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The Review” is a Sport Physiotherapy Canada evidence based exploration in sports medicine, which is released quarterly. Posts are available for discussion for a one month term. Please note these summaries are reviews of published studies, not original works.

 Co-Chief Editors:

  • Jovana Smoljanić, MScPT, MScHK, Dip. SPC
  • Jacquie van Ierssel, PhD, MSc Rehab, FCAMPT, Dip. SPC


  • Kyle Aitken, BScKin, MScPT
  • Marc Chivilo, BScKin, MScPT
  • Jacky Lam, BScKin, MScPT, Cert. SPC
  • Michael Stewart, MScPT, MCISc, FCAMPT, Cert. SPC
  • Linda Truong, PhD (Candidate), Cert. SPC, MScPT
  • Vicki Wong, PhD (Candidate), MScKin, Cert. SPC

The June 2020 Quarterly Review is on Physical Therapy Clinical Practice Guidelines for Concussion. Please visit our Forum to participate:

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The Holahan lab is recruiting for 2 online surveys (administered by Qualtrics) entitled:

Study 1 =  Prolonged symptoms in cognition and emotional outcomes of sport-related concussion in adults”. This study has been cleared by an ethics committee under CUREB-B Clearance 112126. The study is supervised by Dr. Matthew Holahan, Department of Neuroscience.

Study 2 = Prolonged symptoms of sport-related concussion and memory in adults. This study has been cleared by an ethics committee under CUREB-B Clearance # 112127. This study is supervised by Dr. Matthew Holahan, Department of Neuroscience.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would pass the following message and survey links on to your athletes and/or post in your clubhouse.

Study 1 –

Study 2 –

We are conducting a study that is looking at prolonged concussion symptoms and their impact on memory and emotions. We want to know what kind of lasting symptoms people have and if the number of concussions or other health issues, such as depression, makes people have more difficulties with memory and emotions. This is a clinical research study and it is not intended to provide treatment for a concussion.

We are recruiting both participants for the concussion group and the control group.

Concussion Group Inclusion Criteria:Control Group Inclusion Criteria:
– Have prolonged symptoms from a sport-related concussion that happened at least 1 month prior
– Be aged 18-60 years old
– Do not have a current illness, such as flu, pneumonia, infections
– Not be involved in litigation
– Do not have a severe brain injury (TBI) or other neurological condition
– Must be able to read, write, and understand English
– Able to write sentences/stories for 30min
– Must have not had a concussion or TBI before
– Must be aged 18-60 years old
– Do not have another neurological condition
– Able to read, write, and understand English  

Potential risk/discomfort. Some of the questions in this study do ask about stressful experiences, negative thinking, sadness, and depression. For some individuals, answering these questions may produce some discomfort.

There is the chance of participants having aggravated symptoms from participating in the study. These may be from moderate to severe symptoms. The computer work may cause discomfort and this worsening of symptoms. These aggravated symptoms may include headache, dizziness, nausea, and/or discomfort. After the study, if you experience worsening of your symptoms, you are asked to return home and rest both physically and mentally. Should you find that your symptoms are not decreasing, you should seek medical attention from either your physician or the study’s physician.  As this study is completely voluntary, you may choose not to participate, and you can skip questions you do not wish to answer. Please note, that the present study is conducted under the supervision of a physician, Dr. Taryn Taylor. You can make a virtual appointment to see her at Carleton Sport Medicine Clinic if you have any questions or concerns (613-520-3510).

If you are interested in learning more about this study, please see the surveys at and or contact, Vicki Wong, PhD Candidate at